25 US History Research Paper Topics to Write About

Writing about US history research paper topics includes reviewing various sources to choose the best idea for your research. Aspects of history for the United States include a variety of events, people, places, and things that influence its growth. Choosing something to research may include comparing ideas, reading previously written reports and assignments, and analyzing your interests. There are many resources available providing facts, figures, and other pertinent information about American history that can assist with topic ideas. The following suggestions provide useful guidance on selecting potential U.S. history research paper topics.

Find a Point of Interest for Research

Where do you start when considering an idea for research papers? Start with what you know based on your interests or whatever sparks curiosity related to American history. Many American history research paper topics are written to provide in-depth analysis about a topic or subject area. If you have an interest in human rights, animals, health, or starting a business, think about historical elements of American history that could have a connection.

List of Sample Research Paper Topics on American History

Sometimes a quick refresh of what is included in American history can spark some ideas. A list of prompts can give fast ideas to lead toward further research. Feel free to create your own list of ideas based on what you know about the subject and eliminate ideas of least interest later. The following prompts suggested by Mypaperdone.com are great for brainstorming for your next writing assignment:

  1. Significant staples defining American culture
  2. Struggles defining the right to vote for women
  3. Analyzing segregation of schools during the 1950s and 1960s
  4. What is the Jim Crow era?
  5. What role did the US play during the Cold War?
  6. The first stem cell research discovery by American doctors
  7. How the 13 colonies played a role in defining US government
  8. How the Supreme Court was created
  9. Most common religion recognized by Americans
  10. The history behind gun control
  11. The history of abortion in the US
  12. How the Civil Rights Movement was created
  13. Differences between US roles played in World War I and II
  14. Best literature created by US authors on Holocaust
  15. How American society is influenced by African American culture
  16. Most significant women in US history
  17. The history of the most populated city in the US
  18. How poverty affects US growth
  19. What caused the US Civil War?
  20. The significance of the American Flag
  21. The history of American agriculture through farmers
  22. Living during the first ever stock market crash
  23. Who are baby boomers in the US economy and why they matter?
  24. Defining imperialism in America
  25. Why was the Electoral College created for US elections?

How to Know if You Found a Great Idea

When considering any writing idea such as American history research paper topics for college students, think about ways you can make the topic interesting. If you have access to sources that will provide useful information for your project you may have the perfect idea for writing. It also helps to choose an idea you are fluent or have a personal experience linked to it. Good ideas make planning easier and faster. You can also discuss your findings with your instructor to ensure you’re on the right track.

Getting Insight from Others

Students in college are likely to seek insight about US history research paper topics for college students from their peers. Ask people you know about historical events in America. You may have a relative that fought in the military or worked at a company that no longer exists. Consider popular trends in an industry or explore a current trend that’s on the verge of dying off. Ask for hints and ideas from others you know about they think is of significant interest about the history of America. When considering research paper topics for American history think about ideas that spark personal interests and consider tips and hints from your instructor and colleagues. Try to view an idea from outside of the box to make it engaging while encouraging informative content to discuss.
